
PAGE FOUR WILLIAM PICKENS, internationally known orator and author who will he a pest in Portland from Wednesday, May 14 to Sunday, May 18. A very full program has been arransed for him. WILL BE PRESENTED SUNDAY NIGHT, MAY 18TH AT BETHEL A. M. E. CHURCH •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• THE 11111111111lllllmm•111111111111111111111111111111111111111rn111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 ' Without a doubt, the best articl~ of its kind-a · combination Hair Grower and Hair Straightener. Gives the hair a natural soft and silky appearance. ~timulatinJ?" h:tir growth in the most hopeless case. Our High Brown Hair• Grower stands as one of our highest achie'l!e– ments-it is a prepar– ation we look upon with pride. -Distributor Mrs. E. D. Cannady, 312 Macleay Bldg., Portland, Oregon. --------:---- VOTE IX I 96 GRONDAHl A. K. Registered Civil Engineer D Republican Candidate /or COMMISSIONER D 27 years' experience in aurveys, desisns, Joeation. eonstMictlon, maintenance and repair of rail, roads, highways, bridges, buildings, streets, sidewalks, &ewers, culverts, retaining walls, water supply sys• terns, subdivision work, etc. D Born in Portland - Far,or Oregon Labor and Oregon Product• D Courteous and Considerate Atten– tion to All Matters, With No Discrimination Against Any One Endorsed by leading eqineers, lawyers, bankers, manufacturers, commercial men, labor, ,rranaers, and others who believe that one member of the Board should be RE-ELECT PRESENT REPRESENTATIVE J BYNON (Republican) FOR REPRESENTATIVE If elected, I will, during my term of office, faithfully work for legislation in aid of the rapid development of Oregon as a forward-looking, progressive state. PROGRESSIVE LAWS FOR THE PEOPLE OF A PROGRESSIVE STATE! Republican Primaries May 16, 1930 PAID AD. ELECT GOLDSTEIN · 1. (BARNETT H.) REPUBLICAN •.. for District Attorney - Multnim~ County Slogan: Justice for All Classes ~AID AD. Elect .... RUSHLIGHT REPUBLICAN CANDIDATE for Representative from Multnomah County Vote 75 X Primaries May 1G PAID AC. ,::----------- Look Out .... for Decoration Day DANCE FRIDAY EVENING, MAY 30 Sta2 Auditorium 381~ E . Morrison Street given by DIXIE STROLLERS Dance Band •.•-a-•-•-a 1 Mrs. George Canada of 290 Larrabee street is ill and confined at Emanuel an Ensineer Mllffl.lllffllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll/llllll/llllllllllll/11111111111111111111/lllllllllllllllllllllllllllilllllllllll/lll/llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll/llllll/lllllllf •,• -----PA-JOA- 0 ·:, hospital. BEWITCHING because she has light, smooth, soft skin This young lady has found the secret of bewitching beauty. She uses Dr. Fred Palmer's Skin Whit– ener Ointment. This preparation, famous for fifty years, softens and liihtens the darkest skin, clears up punples, blotches and tan marks and does away with that "oily, shiny'' look. Regular use of this preparation along with the other Dr. Fred Palmer Skin Whitener Preparations keeps your akin light and soft and makes you look be– witching. Dr. Fred Palmer's complete line consists of: Dr. Fred Palmer's Skin Whitener Ointment; Skin Whitener Soap; Skin Whitener Face Powder; Hair Dresser and HID Deodorant. Sold at all drug stores for 25c each, or sent post– paid upon_receipt of price. Dr. Fred Palmer's Laboratories. Dept. 18, Atlanta, Ga. A 1eneroua trial ,ample of the Skin Whitener/ Soap and Faco Powder sent or 4c In 1tamp1. Dr. Fred Palmer's SKIN WHITENER "Keeps ;your complezioD ;youtblur DAYS OF SUFFERING NOW QUICKLY ENDED The next time f01l 1tart ont of thuc dayr. ii, th, in,tmt rtlid 11ou Q#t with Dittartr, A1p,rgum. Ala1oct bdore you know it tbt paUI diaappurs, your ntnt1 aaddtnlr relax. With Aspersum you chew tbt pain away. For it i• the .&.nt1t aspirin obtainable pat •P ia chtwin1 1am form. Now you can take aspirin any time, any plact. No wattr. No bitttr tattt. No cbokin& 11naation. BK1111t you ch,w Dillard's Asptqora. tbt a,pirin miJ:H tboro11ply with tht saliva to that all itt eoothin.1 qaalitin an tfhctivt qukldy, conti11uoasly. It brinas quick relief from achin1 budt, tooth• acht. the pains of ntoriti1, neurala:ia. ' H'ta. tbtD.• matism. If your druiiaist does not ban Dillard'• A1pu1um. und for a free aampl• to Healdl Proch1ct1 Corpor.ation. Dept. A. 113 Nortb I )dl -Stnn.--Nc-wffllr-K. J, - - - t--------·---- 1 RE-ELECT I EARL C. 1· BRONAUGH 1 I to tho Slat. I,gl,lat,u 1~m I ' MULTNOMAH COUNTY ! ' Primaries May 16 WEDNESDAY, MAY 14, 1930 ... I 15th 1 IS STRAW HAT DAY • • • Come in and tr) on "SOLAR" STRAW a AND SEE FOR YOURSELF WHY MORE MEN WEAR THIS HAT THAN ANY OTHER! -------------·-------- '= J ·-·- I 1 I THE EAST INDIA HAIR GROWER Will Promote a Full Growth of Hair. Will also Restore the Strengtll., Vitality and the Beauty of the Hair. If your Hair is Dry and Wiry, Try- East India Hair Grower If you are b•thered . w\: \ FallinR Dandruff, Itching Scalp, or any Hair Trouble, we want you to try a jar of EAST INDIA HAIR GROWER. The remedy contains medical properties that go to the,. roots of the Hair, 1timulate1 the skin, helping nature do its work. Leaves the hair soft and silky. Perfumed with a balm of a thousand flowers. The best known remedy for Heavy and Beautiful Black Eye-Brows, also restores Gray Hair to its Natural Color. Can be Uled with Hot Iron for Straightening. Price Sent by Mail, 60c; 10c Extra for Poatap AGSNT'B OUTFIT ' s D LYONS I Bair Grower, I Temple • • g::: i1i::~;.. 1 .~..= 316 N. Central Dept. B lion tor Hlllns, 11 :l5e htn Oklahoma m-. Okla. for Poetan. •:, f. ···----------------------- ..... -- ~---------- f"#••······················· ................................. ,,,,,, HIGH BROWN POWDER A superb toilet necessity. In four shades-Natural, Pink Brunette and White. High.Brown Face Powder has earned it~ place in the esteem of the most discriminate and skeptical users of toilet articles by its own distinctive merit and the complete satisfaction to be derived from its use. Also a large assortment of toilet requisites for the lady who cares. D Manufactured Only By The ••• OVERTON-HYGIENIC MFG.COMPANY CHICAGO D MRS. E. D. CANNADY Pacific Coast Distributor 312 Macleay Building, Portland, Ore. THEM DAYS ARE GONE FOREVER Plunk This onYour Potentiometer. ;;ie c.r -1l nin o; a I r r f · ~ , r-r , TMEM DAYS ARE GONE FOREVER.! ~ ~I If your doaler connot 1upply you, wrlU direct. -IOc for 1-$1 for 10 Sample blode-lOc PROIAK COllPOIAffON -– ....................... ... _._ -Y.s SKIN ITCHING ENDS ...._ -thin• Zemo I• • ...,, Rfiht from the tint touch 1 antiaecfi~'i ~ Zemo takea tne it milery out of mosquito bites, rashes. and many other akin afflic:tiona. Try it also for itching, .peellili toes. Bathera and other outdoor follm thank coonn, Zemo for relief from sunburn. Douse It on ivy-polaonfnc. Pimples and dandruff fade when llfe. antiaeptic Zemo is applied. It in– ltantly eaaea razoMmart. Always have Zemo nearby wherever you ro. An7 drualat. aoc, 60c, ,1.00. ..