
THE ADVOCATE An lndepenct_~nt Paper De.voted to the lntereata oL the People Vol. 26-No. 37 In Two Sections PORTLAND, OREGON, SATURDAY, JULY 26, 1930. Section One PRICE: FIVE CENTS SAYS LYNCHING ORGY DUE TO PARKER DEFEAT DEPRIEST.SELECTS A'NOTHER FOR WEST POINT • SOUTH CAROLINIAN BRAYS ABOUT SOUTH SPEAKS OUT Arrntn Wips CHICAGO lAD IS FIRST CHOICE NEGRO'S POLITICAl POWER Lynchings Retaliation For Parker's Defeat Race Hatred Chief Factor S. C. and Georgia Campaign. WOULD ASK GOD in TO DEPRIVE HIM OF CIVIL RIGHTS New York, July 26-"You have had REFORMERS NEVER HAVE A in the United States, since Parker's CtNT defeat, 11 lynchings, and you will have more" shouted Cole Blease in Union, S. C., on July 7, according to the Columbia, S. C., State. Confirma– tion is thus given to what has been generally believed by intelligent ob- a cent. Had these reformers been animated To use a modern expression, "I have sat in the game" with various groups of progressives, and to the best of my knowledge and belief, they never had servers that the ,mobs depended on the success in the campaign, against confirmation, against John J. Parker, and resorted to mob terrorism in an efforts to crush the spirit of Negroes. "Whenever the 'Negro press' and 'nigger associations' are to tell me how to vote," the South Carolina Senator declares, "then I ask my God to de– prieve me of the right to vote. White supremacy and the protection of the virtue of the white womanhood of the South, come first with me." In this fashion Bltase resorfs to his usnal tactics in dragging the sex question into every aspect of the Negro's strng– gle for his rights. ---o--- LEGION SECURf:S EBONY PLAYERS Famous Orchestra to Give a Concert and Play for Dance at Legion Hall Friday Evening. Lake View, Ore., July 15-William J . Goodlette and his Ebony Serenaders, the famous colored orchestra of eleven artists, will arrive in Lakeview Fri– day night for an engagement here. They will come in their speciall con– structed automobiles and open with a concert her~ at the American Legion Pavillion from eight P. M. to 9:30. After this they will play for a red hot dance, full of pep and vigor at the pavillion. Coming directly from McElroy's Spanish Ballroom in Portland they promise the finest music ever presented in Lakeview. Being the only organ– ization of this kind in America, they should thrill the dancers and enter– tainment seekers to the utmost as this orchestra sings, plays, and dances like no other. San Francisco Evangelist Preaching At Roseburg, Ore. by the money-grabbing desire, such an instinct would have stifled their deep love for mankind and their efforts would have been fruitless. Although they have been destitute of what we term worldly goods, they were rich-far richer than the so-called wealthy ones who sneered at their poverty-rich in the service of man– kind, rich in the joy of selfless giving to struggling, suffering humanity. Men and women who labor uncea- s1ugty for the ~t.Winn,n goud don:t d so for selfish motives, nor for person– al aggrandizement, but becanse they firmly believe in the Fatherhood of Man. They seeks to bring about a Heaven on Earth, as much as is hu– manly possible, by the right kind of laws. They know the legislatiofl sought by th.e Special Interests and Politicai Bo.sses often results in a Hell onEarth. These self-sacrificing workers seek to secure the right kind of statutes-those which will exemplify "Peace on Earth Good Will to Men." It seems almost ridiculous to im– agine that penniless toilers can achieve any results over the entrenched Mam– monites, but victories have been at– tained nevertheless, all over the globe. Right must prevail in time. In Ore– gon we have secured the Initiative and Referendum, the Direct Primary, the Recall, Workingmen's Compensa– tion Act, Widow's Pension, and other humanitarian measures. Numerous states have also made advancement along social and economic legislation through the impetus of penniless groups. If people complain now of economic and legislative injustice, what would they have thought of conditions we had to me~t and overcome in earlier days. Yet we faced them and fought the battle just as fearlessly as did David when he went forth to battle with Gol~ath. David had ,orily a sling and pebbles, just as the modern Da– vids of today have nothing but the sling of justice and the pebbles of righteousness. Goliath was armed with armour of gold and the spear of greed and puffed up with pride and power. Goliath no doubt taunted David and called him a "Crazy Reformer," a "Bol– shevick," and a "pestilent fellow," just as the Selfish Interests impune the motives and attack the characters of the modern reformers now-a-days. Roseburg, Oregon July 16 - Evan- As Goliath lost out in Bibical days gelist _Cornelia _Jone_s-Robertson of San r so are the woq;.hippers of Mammon of Francisco, Ca!tforma, well-known for the modern age losing out to the "Re– her power as a proocher, for over 20 formers That Never Hlve ~ Cent." years is conducting meetings at the ___----------- Pentecostal Mission, Washington and WILL REMODEL 5-ROOM house Jackson streets. DON'T SPEND YOUR MONEY WHERE YO\J' CANNOT WORK! corner Page and Williams Ave., for responsible party. Rent Cheap. Phone BEacon 3091. ,_ ___________________ ._. ______ Spend your summer vacation at ... SUNFLOWER CAMP J. W. Curry, Owner SEASIDE, OREGON Restful Swings-Croquet-Horseshoe Throwing and Fishing Within 100 Feet of Camp Furhished Cottages and Furnished Tents for Rent! Mrs. Madelyn Flowers Will Be There to Serve You at Any Time Day or Night That You Arrive ...................... . a & & S Sa S I a S a & & a & a a & I I & ... Magazine Hails Northwest As Great Pleasure Playground Frderick Lewis, travel writer, hails the Pacific Northwest as the great pleasure ground of America in an article outlining vacation in that region appearing in Woman's Home Compan– ion. Excerpts from the article follow: Rising out of the Seattle and Taco– ma skylines, so near that its presence is always felt and almost always seen, is Mount Rainier, which because of its magnificent insolation is the most imposing single mountain in the world. Portland has a mountain too; not so high as Rainier and not so curious, but friendly. In fact that is what Portlanders call Mount Hood: "The Friendly Mountain." And Portland has a river-two of them-flowing through valleys of unimagined loveliness. The Columbia is one of our mightiest Am– erican streams; and the highway which lines its banks is the most spectacular river drive in the western world. It hangs for nearly two hundred miles to precipitous cliffs, hops across skyline bridges from one tossed-up mountain to the next, dips under waterfalls of unbelivable height and plunges head– long through gorges and cascades along the historic "Old Oregon Trail." Portland itself is a community of shining 'beauty, of mellow life; of green grass, of flowers everywhere. But Lher'e ·is -nothing in Portland S"O lovely few in the world, for that matter– as its great American corniche, the Columbia River Highway. TOB~S SORRY ASINGLE GOLD ST4R MOTHER WENT ON TRIP New York, July 28-"My only re– gret is that a single mother has made plans to go," is the way Channing H . Tobias, of the Y. M. C. A. National Council, expresses himself on the "Jim Crowing" of colored Gold Star Mothers by the W-ar Department. This opinion is expressed by Mr. To– bias in a letter addressed to the Na– tionaL Association for the Advance– ment of Colored People in which Mr. Tobias registers strong approval of the Association's campaign against seg– regation of and discrimination against colored Gold Star Mothers by the Vf ar Department. PROF. LOVELL TO ARRIVE SOON Prof. John Lovell, Jr., will arrive in Portland Sunday, August 17. The first of a series of lectures on "Negro Drama" will be given at 8 P. M. Mon– day, August 18, Musical numbers by local artists will be given and the lec– ture will be free. FINDS DEAD BABY WRAPPED IN BUNDLE Mrs. Katherine Gray a city emp!oye as attendant at a comfort istation, turned over to autho,-ities the body of an infant child which she found in a package which had been left at the station by some unknown per– son. Authorities are trying to find the person who left the dead child's body there. ----o,--- YOUNG MAN BUYS NEW AUTOMOBILE Toby Johnson, popular young man is sporting a new Essex coupe. Mr. Johnson is a splendid young man, in– dustrious and ambitious. He has lived in Portland for six years and has made numerous friends who are happy to see him getting ahead. Keep it up, Toby. ---o- RESTAURANT DRAWS COLOR-LINE Mrs. Pearl Stewart, prominent in local club work reports that the Man– ning restaurant on Alder street be– tween 6 and Broadway refused to serve here there recently. PROMINENT PHYSICIAN BREAKS INTO POETRY SHOULD DOCTORS COURT THE MUSE? By Walter Fridi.a, M.D. You ask me how a doctor learns In metric terms to write, When in his heart he often yearns, A poem to indite; You wonder how I'd break away From med'cal phrases terse– From dry and musty books of lore To easy flowing verse. Must I confess with keen regret, ·That I have failed to learn The art to write in phrasei bright, The thoughts that in me burn; Or make them flow and leap and glow In sweet poetic tone, Though rh}'JDes I see in bird ancl bee, And every rolling &tone? Ah! yes, for I who write these lines, Can lay no claim to art; I simply write to spread the faith That dwells within my heart. I do not claim poetic grace, Nor words of classic chimes; I only claim my soul has breathed True life into my rhymes. For av'rage folks I write my verse, And they will catch my drift, For simple rh}'JDe will oftentimes A falling soul uplift. Perhaps my lame and halting words, l\fay reach some aching heart, And there acclaim the highest aims, Which faith and hope impart. Like you, yourself, I've tasted life, With its vicissitu~ , And felt the hopes and joys and strife, To which my verse alludes. I've often felt the cares you feel, And make the same mistakes I've dreamed the dreams that you have dreamt, And felt the same heart aches. Without possessing technic grace I've felt the poets urge, ' And sought to write in simple rhyme, The thoughts that in me surge. If they shall lift a load somewhat Or point to higher plane, ' Then I shall not my rh}'JDes regret Nor feel I wrote in vain. _ So ask me not to tell you how, A doctor learns to write; Just lift your eyes to far-flung skies Upon a cloudless night. SOUTH SHAMED AND DISTURBED BY DEMAGOGUES Anti Negro Ravings of Politicians a Menace at Home an·d Abroad, Southern Y. W. C. A. Lead- ers Are Told Blue Ridge, N. C., July 24-"Sena– tor Cole Blease's recent public de– fense of lynching illustrates the fact that the anti-Negro ravings of politi– cal demagogues have done more than anything else to discredit the South abroad and disturb its peace and tran– quility at home," asserted R. B. Elea– zer, Education Director of the Inter– Racial Commission, in an address here yesterday before the Y. W. C. A. Com– munity Conference. "Solely for the purpose of coining ignorance and prejudice into votes," said Mr. Eleazer, "these pseudo-states– men habitually misrepresent and dis– credit the South by broadcasting the impression that it is a land of morons and savages. How often have our cheeks burned with humilation as they 'strutted their stuff' in Congress or on the stu;;,p, while the world looked on in derision and disguest ! With the Psalmist we are constrained to say, 'How long, Oh Lord! How Long!" "Meantime their frenzied appeals to race prejudice sow the seeds of dis– trust and hostility at home, and tend to make enemies of two races that normally are friendly and should con– tinue so. It is high time for the in– telligence and patriotism of the South to repudiate at once and forever such false and dangerous leadership." The statement was heard by an audi– ence of two hundred women from all parts of the South. By prolonged ap– plause and many private expressions the group evidenced their approval of the sentiment expressed by the speak, er. WELL KNOWN WRITER By Kita Reid _11_1_11_1_11_,_, The Advocate does not necessarily share in Kits Reid's views, but wheth– er we do or not, her opinions are sane, logical and well worth reading. It is your privilege ·as well as ours to dis– agree with Kits an:d ~he invites your op1mon upon subjects she discusses from time to ~ime in her column. SAYS JUDGES ARE HYSTERICAL WRITER TAKES COOLIDGE TO TASK PORTLAND MUST SAVE HER TREES The circuit Court judges have gone hysterical again on long sentences as witness the sentencing of a holdup to 15 years in prison by Judge Hewitt this week. I an:i rather surprised that the man wasn't given 25 years. It corresponds to _ the case of a man now serving his seventh year out of a sen– tence of 15 years at the hands of a Jackson County Judge for a holdup. The man was starving and held up a citizen with a pistol which had no cartridges in it. He found enough money in his victim's pocket to pay for a meal at the nearest restaurant which cost him on~ - .dollar. Wl1en he had finished eating his meal he walked out of the restaurant into the arms of the sheriff. The next day, he was in the Oregon prison. While comparison are odious, and in this case, the nau– seating flavor is against Oregon, com– pare these holdup sentences with the case in Los Angeles where a purse– snatcher was held for examination by the psychiartists. I sometimes wii;h we could hold our judges and district attorney deputies for pyschiatric ex– aminations. God knows they need it. --0-- Coolidge says in his latest soothing DePriest Sends Another Negro Boy to West Point M.A. CHICAGO LAD IS ADMITTED TO OFFICERS'. SCHOOL Washington, D. C.-Deton J. Brooks 3256 Rhodes avenue, Chicago, one of the three boys nominated by Congress– man DePriest for the West Point Academy, was admitted as a member of the first year class of that institu– tion Tuesday, July 1. Brooks was admitted to the Acade– my on the merits in his certificate of preparatory education, having had his name submitted too late for him to participate in the recent entrance ex– amination. He became active in the student 1 body July 1 and will be finally admitted provided he passes the physi– cal examination. ~-o--- SAUCE FOR GANDER Astoria, Ore., July 24-Former Jus– tice of the peace J. L. Tuomala, now in jail awaiting grand jury action on charges of embezzlement of public 1\:loney, receivu.1 a package Saturday-– from a Negro resident of Seaside who had just finished a 30-day sentence imposed by Tuomala. The package contained a box of raspberries. --o- THORNTONS GROW FINE VEGETABLES For doctors have a calling great Should they the Muses woo Or trust their fame to fickle faie As men so often do. ' Dr. ]. Walter Fridia of Dallas, Tex– as, was an interesting and interested visitor to Portland · last Summer. He expressed keen pleasure with The Ad– vocate: The above poem was specially written for The Advocate by the well– known physician. -Please turn to page 4- TAKES ISSUE WITH - WRTER "KITS REID" Works For 40 Years Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Thornton are receiving congratulation on their large acreage of fine vegetables and fruits. People have b·eaten a path to their place to purchase vegetable and fruits for the family consumption. Thorn– tons number both white and colored among their patrons. -o---- • BOYS CLIMB MOUNTAIN FROM "THE HUMAN BODY" A school kid's essay: The human body is divided into three parts. The head, the chest and the stummick. The head cantanes the eyes, ears nose mouth, tongue and branes, if any. The chest contanes the lungs, heart and liver. The stum– mick contanes the bowels of which there are five-a, e, i, o, u and some– times w and y. ___ , __ EDDIE MORGAN VISITS Eddie Morgan formely of Portland will arive in tl;ie city tomorow morn– ing on a business trip. W':hile in Port– land he will be the guest of Mrs. Duke 474 0 Shaver street. , At Portland Hotel SPIRIT LAKE Y. MCAMP Praises Governor's Action In Mooney Case. San Francisco, Cal. July 14, 1930 Editor, The Advocate: It is not the desire of the writer to enter into_any controversy, nor is tl;iere a desire for undue criticism, but there appeared in recent issue-under the column title of "Arrow Tips" a criti– cism of the Mooney case in which the Governor of California was placed in an 1, enviable pubic attitude. The unjustness of the accusation of "Kits Reid" was, no doubt, the result of a hasty conclusion brought about by an insufficient study of the case. The Governor gave a close and earnest study to the voluminous testi– mony. For the past seven months On a recent visit to Portland by R. J. Prince of Oakland, California, he was served at the Portland Hotel by I. L. Burnett, who served Mr. Prince the first time he visited the Portland 40 year ago and ate in the popular hostelry's dining room. Mr. Bur~ett is still on the job, and bears a record of fine service. Spirit Lake Camp Bulletin No. 5 carries the interesting news that among the boys to climb Mt. St. Helens from Spirit Lake Camp early last Monday were Clifford Flowers and Philip Moore. These boys are at Spirit Lake Y. M. C. A. Camp for the first time and they are making a fine record, according to reports. Tm: PACIFIC TELEPHONE AND TELEGRAPH COMPANY :--------------- 4 he has given it his co&sideration. Not satisfied with the result of his own .. Make Portland's Own Store Your Shopping Headquarters research, he submitted the case of Warren Billings to the Supreme Court of the state for a review. The Gov– ernor's attitude was, that the cases of the two men were so closely identical that each was coequally innocent or guilty. The action of the Supreme Court was adverse in the case of Bill– ings. The advice of the Advisory Pardon Board was sought. That board is made up of U. S. Webb, Attorney General; James A. Johnston, Director of the Department of Penology; Court Smith, Warden F olsom; James B. Hol– ohan, 'N/arden San Quentin, and H. L. Carnahan, Leiutenant Governor, Cali– fornia. The Supreme Court is com– posed of seven justices. Men noted as legal lights of modern times. The chief is William H . Waste. These men re– viewed the records of the trial from every legal angle. Their probity and fairn ess can not be questioned. Would it have been sanity for the Governor -Please turn to page 3- The wise motorist telephones ahead· At the day's end, on your motor trip, will you reach clean, comfortable quarters that have been prepared and held ready for you? Th~ wise motorist telephones ahead, then travels along as swiftlyor as leis– urely as he pleases. Telephone frequently homeward. It will keep your mind at rest con– cerning family or business mat– ters; and it will set the minds of others at rest concerning you• -- •