
• Advertise in THE ADVOCATE It Circulates In All The States And Foreign Countries J I S • • a•. VOL. 24-NO. 18 ' THE ADVOCATE Paper Deotecfs to the el •• People PORTLAND, OREGON, SATURDAY, JANUARY 21, 1928. ,..._ ..... ._. ...... _.. ...... ._. .... ______ In tlie intereat of All THE ADVOCATE Is Published Only $2.50 Per Year Subacn"be For Itl PRICE 5 CENTS MAYOR BARS RANDOLPH FROM JACKSO • PRESIDENT COOLIDGE -ASKS ABOUT LYNCIDNG ' ................................................................................................................ A Father's Letter To The President DR-MOTON GIVES ACCIDENT VICTIM WAS RACE MAN AND WOMAN 1 MODEL YOUNG MAN HONORED BY REPS (Written by John S. H~mphill d Ferguson, Mo. in "Labor" Jan. 14) lATEST DATA Th, foo,ral :;:: V. Mill", <h, "'"'""• N. J. )~""'' ,._;, , )oho B. Hemph::·• .'." '::.-::·:-s bt:i-:F~::-~~N-' . .-~ 20 year old son of Mr. and Mrs. L. meeting of the Republican State Mo., father of one of the marines "You have lost a son and know the Miller, who was injured in an auto- Committee held here January 6, Dr. President Of Tuskegee Makes Per- killed in Nicaragua, has addresed the sorrow, and we as a nation mourned mobile accident January 7th from Walter G. Alexander of Orange was , , 1 · followmg open letter to President w,t 1 you in your hour of grief. Sup- sonal Call O P 'd t Of U S which he d1'ed the follow'1ng, dav selected as one of the seven del- n reS1 en , , , Coolidge: pose that son had fallen, as my son At Latter's Request.. Washington, D. C. January 21-b response to a direct inquiry from the President of the United States, Dr. R. R. Morton says lynchi:ig is on the decrease in the South. Dr. Morton called on President Coolidge last Tuesday. Dr. Morton said that President Coolidge inquired specifically into the situation regardng lynching and mob violence and that he was able to re– port· that on the basis of present in– dication the number of lynchings for Dr. Robert R. Moto~ this year would be substanially be– low those for 1926. President Coolidge also received a report on the Veteran's Hospital lo– cated at Tuskegee, which some time ago was placed entirely under the ;upervision of a Negro personnel. Dr. Morton reported that the hospital was showing excellent progress under the present management and assured the President that things were run– ning smoothlyi Mrs Watson Answers Inevitable Summons In the death of Mrs. Francis A. Watso11 which occurred on Satur– day morning, January 14, at her home, 916 Haight Avenue, Portland loses one of its pioneer citizens and the husband a devoted wife, and the children, a loving mother, and the public, a kind hearted lady who will be sadly missed by her many friends. Mrs. Watson was born in Portland March 4, 1864, and was 63 years, 10 months and 10 days old at the time of her death. The deceased is survived by a hus– band, Edward Watson and the fol– lowing children: Edward Watson, Jr., Mesdames Lula Hubbard, Hazel Lee, and Beatrice Fair; a sister, and a host of friends. Funeral services were held January 18, at 10:30 A. M. from the Holman and Lutz Funeral Chapel. Rev. J. L. Caston, pastor of Mt Olivet Baptist Church officiated; Rev. John F. More, pastor of ion Church, offered (Concluded on page three) OFFICE PHONE BDWY 8967 was held Wednesday, January 11th egates- at-large to t"e Republican 1 1 ' "Mr. Calvin Coolidge, Washington, 1as, a victim to the gre~d of Wall from the funeral home of R. W. Gab- National Convention in Kansas City, D. C.: Street, would you feel that the finan- lis & Co. Elder Robert Searcie offi- and Mrs. Bessie B. Mention of Prin- "Dear Mr. President: Accardi 1g cial gain was worth the cost? ciated. ceton was chosen one of the alter- to dispatches of today (January 3) JOHN S. HEMPHILL, Alvin was an expert mechanic, hav- nates-at-large. from Managu, my son, Sergeant Ferguson, Missouri." ing received his training at Benson Dr. Alexander is a former Assem- John F. Hemphill, was killed in ac- -0- blyman from Essex County, and in 1924 was an alternate-at-large to the Republican Convention ii Cleveland. Mrs. Mention has been active for several years in Repubhtan politics among women. S!,e is, president of the Colored Republican Women's Conference of New Jersey, and has maintained a strong and aggressive organization among the women. TJ-iere is added interest 'tn the posi– tion of Dr. Alexander because of the avowed candidacy of Senator Walter E. Edge for the Vice Presidential nomination. George E. Bates, grand secretary of the Elks, was an aspirant, support– ed by Isaac Nutter of Atlantic City. Dr. Alexander was supported by Ol– iver Randolph, Assistant District At– torney, a member of the State Re– publican Advisory Committee. tion against General Sandino's loyal troops. "For the death of my son I hold no malice or ill will toward General Sandino or any of his men, for I think (and I believe 90 per cent of our people agree with me) that they are today fighting for their liberty, as our forefathers fought for our li– berty in 1776, and that we as a na– tion have no legal or moral right to be murdering those liberty-loving people in a war of aggression. What we are doing is nothing less than murder for the sole purpose of keep– ing in power a puppet president and acting as collector for \Vall Street, which is certainly against the spirit and letter of our Constitution. "My son was 29 years old, served three years of his third enlistment, surviyed honorable service through the World War against Germany, only to be officially murdered in a disgraceful war against this !tittle :1a– tion. The above letter tells its own story. I wish every standpat Republican, ev– ery 100 per cent American, every D. A. R. and every American Legion man could read it. Most of them will not see it as it will not be published in the journals they read. What com– fort can that father get out of the son's sacrifice on the altar of Wall Street greed? And yet we are being fed on propaganda published in ev– ery administration paper in the coun– try that it is America's duty to put down revolutio,ns in countries cover– ed b the Monroe Doctrine. Oh, the cruelty, the shallowness, the "bunk patriotism" of it all! Is this what we women are living for? Is this what we go down to the gates of death for when we give birth to our sons? Is llils a<WhaJ ~e give the best years of our life for in bringing our sons up to manhood's years, thafthey may be used as pawns on the financial · chessboard of Wall Street? Will the chessboard of Wall Street? Will they Alvin. V. Miller Polytechnic ,cbool where he had ~ wide circle of friends. Popular Matron Again Chosen Club Leader , "My father served through the Ci- refuse to bear children for gun £odd– ~! W:ar,_.~Y ~o ir!£dfathers .»J<c<! er? ,A f~w t~orc ,Nicara~s m<1v ~ 111 action rn the sa-9,~..r, and I aqi be more careful about rnvcsting its proud of their reco1d~. so this is not money in foreign banks and rail– from the pen of' a ,red radical, but roads-there will be no I American from one who loves justice and fair boys to send down there to collect the– play. interest and to be killed because we V Ir. Miller was a young man of modest manners, reserved and un– pretentious. The large attendance at his funeral and the many beautiful floral pieces attested his popularity. "I have four sons, and if necessity have a president who believes that arose, I would be willing to sacrifice wherever an American dollar is in– not only all four son~, but my own vested, our American soldiers and life as well in a war of defense, but marines can be sent to protect it– I am not willing to shed one drop of and we call this a Christian Nation. blood in a w~r of ac.:gression, such -KITS REID. ---- ---~------------------------ Mr. Miller leaves to mourn their loss a father, mother, sister and bro– ther. ENSEMBLE ARTISTS TO BUNDY HONORED BE HEARD ff .NERO . -----·-,-· "ARROW TIPS" By Kits Reid The Advocate does not necessarily ,hare in Kits Reid's views, but wheth– u we do or not, her opinions are 1ane, and loirical and well worth readinir. It ia your privilece as well as ours to disagree with Kits and she invites your opinion upon subjects she discusses from time to time in her column. "God made us neighbors; let justice make us friends". -Borah Mrs. Lula Gragg THURSDAY SERIES "The feminine Mai•' r-Pattison" is what Phyllida Ashley and Aileen Fea– ly have been called by those who have heard them, and their success in en· Mrs. Lula Gragg, popular young semble is the more remarkable be. church, and club worker of Bethel cause of their reputations of both ar– A. M. E. church, who was reelected tist.s as soloists. T;1ese two ar– presid~nt of "The Joymakers Club" tists whose 4-hand w,k has the vir– for the fourth year, at its regular meetin.g last Thursday evening. Mrs. Gragg is also district Superintendent of the Allen Chirstian Endeavor Lea– gue of the Puget-Sound Conference. tue of real unanim,ty are being pre– se.n ted as the eight eveJ;lt on the Chloe Nero Thursday Seri;::.. at the Shrine Auditorium on Janua 0 y 26th. It must he born in mind that the --0- demands made upon the ensemble I see by the paper that we are to players are more exci:ing than for a have another guardian angel organ- WELL KNOWN WOMAN soloist. 'The latter _c;an follow his ization. 'This time it will be know, own flight into the- ......alms of fancy, as "The Minute Men" Their pledge but the ensembleist must shine and is intensely interesting, and right ANSWERS CAti yet be subordinate s,, that the two now I want to ask some questions parts will weld together to form the which I hope, Mr. and Mrs. Editor, perfect whole. In any other combina- that you will forward to the High ----- tion of instrun1ents, the solo piano Cockalorum, a gentleman named H. All Portland received the news of naturally dominates, _but in the duet M. Price. Because if they (the ques- the death of Mrs. Louisa Thacker form there is the merging of two tions) are answered satisfactorily, I Flowers with great sorrow. Mrs. separate entities into one. shall immediately apply for member- Flowers who had been in ill health Appearing jointly with the ensem– ship in the ladies auxiliary. Of course I for several weeks died at the fa'11il hie artists will be Eva Gruninger At– they will have such an attachment. residence 387 East First street NY kinson, contralto. Everyone ·love; Otherwise, how will they control the Wednesd~y afternoon January 18th'. this type of voice, particularly if the Bolshevistic females in the women's Mrs. Flowers w'as ~orn in Boston, I artist be as charming as Miss Atkh- clubs? son, combining a beautiful voice and Question I.-From what magic Mass., it1 1849. In 1882 she was mar- delightful personality, this yeung ar- ried to Allen E. Flowers in Victoria, tist has endeared herself to thou– source do the Minute Men derive B. C., coming to Portland in 1883. their judgment as to whether or not The certain persons can be trusted to en- force the laws? I have distinct recol– lections of the ravings and frothings at the mouth of certain members• of the last legislature against the Secre- (C.oncluded on Page Four) RES. PHONE SELL. 1536 Flowers' home near Lentz for many years was a mecca for their Portland friends and here Mrs. Flowers presided like the queen she was, with that quiet dignity and re– finement that was her great charm. sands. Her success as soloist with the San Francico Sy'llphony Orch- estra when Gatetano !ferola, general director of the San Francisco Opera Company was the :;uest conductor resulted in acclaim by press and pub– lic. Her more recef.i· success as solo- ist in the Messiah, when she replaced Dr. Leroy N. Bundy, who gained much i:,otoriety several years ago in connection with the East St. Louis ra~e riots, has been elected Exalted Ruler of Cuyahoga Lodge of Elks of Cleveland, Ohio, and Thomas W. Fleming, who is a City Councilman, was elected Treasurer. Both have pledged to bring the lodge back to its former high standard. here, will add charm to this concert. On Thursday February 2nd, May Peterson, lyric soprano, formerly of the Opera Comique and the Metro– politan Opera Company, will be the artist presented on this series. BRoadway 1674 MISSENNEAWA CONTRACTING COMPANY Also Cabinet Work And Upholstering C .M. PRATHER, Manager 293Yi N. 16th St. Portland, Ore. Portland's Own Store ... \ 'Doctor E. L. Booker Later the famly moved into the ci– ty where there was greater opportu– nity for their children. And here a– gain Mrs. Flowiers attracted a wide circle of friends. She was a member and a Stewardess of Bethel A. M. E. Church; a member of the Old Rose Club. Mrya Mortiner who was ill, again won her much favorable comment. Mollie Merrick in .he San Francisco Bulletin declared, ·'Eva Gruni:iger Atkinson has splen,iid tone, rich and varied in color, and the song -came l in a satisfying e, en flow, whkh · soared nicely abov~ the orchestra;" and the San Francisco Chronicle, THE ~I.ORE FOR .,.---iwERYBODY DENTIST HOURS. 9 • 12, 1 - 6 Sun. & Evening by Appointment 502 - 3 PANAMA BUILDING N. E. Cor. Third and Alder I The funeral was conducted Satur– day afternoon at 2 o'clock from Be– thel chu;ch by the Reverend X. C. Runyon, pastor. It was largely at- I tended by friends of both races which I attested the high esteem and love in (Continued on page four) "Her tone was beautiful and she ,-.~------------ phrased with rarP sympathy and i',._ ---~- 1 A. •. taste.'' ~~010: Aurora Potter Cnderwood, whose 8 !;:'l,,,~~o=: • - artistic accompanyi-,g is ,vel! k~own ...... ....____• - JUDGE STADTER URGED TO RUN FDR THE CIRCUIT BENCH Friends and admirers of Municipal Judge Fred W. Stadter are urging him to enter the race for the "circuit bench of Multnomah county, but as yet the popular jurist has not defi– nitely made up his mind. The primaries are in May and he has several weeks yet in which to come to a conclusion. Judge Stadter is well and favour– ably known as a friend of the color- ed people of Portland. He at all times has taken a kindly interest in the misfortunee of the colored men and women who have been forced to appear before him in Municipal <;ourt. The judge always has taken an ac – tive part in all civic matters pertain– ing to the betterment of Portland and for more than nine years was deputy city attorney, stationed at central police headquarters. With the installation of a second Munici– pal court three years ago, Judge Stadter was appointed to assist the then Municipal Judge W. A. Ekwall ,v'ho since has been elevated to the circuit bench. Among his chief diversions is mountaineering. Judge Stadter is a lover of the great out doors and at present is president of the Mazamas of Portland. It was through his un– tiring efforts that Mount Hood at last has become a Mecca for winter sports devetees. A toboggan slide as well as two ski runs ltav« been er~ct– ed on the slopes of the old moun– tain and they are within easy reach of Portland. In speaking of opening up this fine sport, Judge Stadler said: "You know one thing I'm proud of is the open– ing of Mt. Hood Road to Govern– ment Camp. I believe that when the folk can get out into the great open spaces in the cold, they're al– right; they have an outlet for their energy. "I think the finest thing for a young man's health is to play out in the snow, on skiis, etc." The Judge drives up nearly every Sunday and is pleased with the way the people are using the road. He says it is about a two hours' drive from Portland and if one does not care for the skiis or toboggan, they can build snow men; play snow ball or amuse themselves in divers other ways . If Judge Stadler decides on filing his name for appearance on the Re– publican primary ballot next May, no doubt his support will come from all sections of Portland and from residents in all walks of life. WYATT W. WILLIAMS Attorney at Law With Julius Silvestonc, 523-'24 Lumbennens Bldg. Attorney and Counselor Phones: Br. 0635-Wa. 3920 Portland. Oregon FORCED ·TO CUT T·RIP SOUTH Threatens To Jail General Organizer Of The Brotherhood Of Sleeping Car Porters If He Comes To His Town. New York, N. Y. January 20- When several citizens called on the mayor of Jacksonville to inform him of the visit of A 1• Philip Randolph, General Organizer of the Brother– hood of Sleeping Car Porters and Editor of The Messenger Magazine, he answered them sharply saying: "I know all about it, but he isn't coming here to Jacksonville, I'll put him in jail and anybody else who has any– thing to do with his meeting." With this prejudicial attitude on the part of the mayor of Jacksonville, the citizen! informed Mr. Randolph of the attitude of the city adminstration toward him and advised that he should not visit Jacksonville at this time. It is believed by Mr. Randolph and the officials of the Brotherhood of Sleeping Car Porters that the local superintendent of the Pullman Com– pany in Jacksonville, Mr. Cooper, (Continued on 1>a11:e two) OVATION AT CON– CER1T Paris, France, Jan. 20-Roland Hayes, noted tenor, was given a tre– mendous ovation last week on the occasion of his first appearance while abroad. His friends and admirers at· tended in large numbers and crowded the "Salle Pleyey," the largest con• cert auditorium in Paris. They re– ceived Mr. Hayes in the usual man- Roland Hayes ner, and he was welcomed uproar– iously at this, his first appeara:1ce of the season, such a welcome eclips– ing any given him in America. Mr Hayes' repertoire consisted of English, French and German num– bers with a few spirituals. Despite his recent indisposition, his voce seemed clearer and better than ever, This quality was noticed particularly b his German group of love songs, his voice winning instant favor becausl! of his sympathetic interpretation. Mr. Hayes' spirituals "took the house by storm." These numbers were "Done Made My Vow." "It's Me, 0 Lord," "Peter, Go Ring Dem Bells" and "Camp-Mectin'." At the conclusion of his program Mr. Haye; sang many numbers by request. A,.1ong those of the American col– ony present were Mr. and Mrs. Wil– liam Lawrence, Miss C. Vee Harris, Miss Katherine Yarborough, the six Fisk jubilee singers, Messers Law– rence Brown, Rudolph Dunbar, Mrs. Johnny Hudgins, Miss Zaridee Jack– son, Paul Robeson and many others. Bradl'ord S.W.Cor.4tJaaad J ( Wuhlni,ton Clothes $25.00 to Shop $ 45.oo "Where Young Men Bu:y" ... ~ ' 't