
NO. 21 trHE An Independent Paper r George Edward, seven months old son of Editor and Mrs. E. D. Can· nad,/ PORTLAND 1 0 creeds and all racea. dogma. more peopl• than are eve emotil"'· Christmas ls no ness; wealth laid of ·~:.-~lild• 'fhis is the historic ... gives to each recurring Not stopping to think of the essential gospel of millions who reject the t churches celebrate the e day at least the civilized a uniTersal commune sent conditions among men Is will. This ls the Christin and wraps the world in a point to Christmas as th and the higher possibUiti gospel of four words-"l'e · ,,. ld of selfishness Into 1,, • ~ each looks for the toward his brother's. executed: it matters not sett-seeding; sw.u uu1J'l -au lPast an ideal society e • laws ot ",.a44-.ul•c-A ~.on1m and happiness In promo are in a measure redre poverty and even by pov Good cheer-good will better impulses of mank that Christ came to teac visibly foreshadowed. ,,.----...- ..., .......ATE, of the • DECEMBER 20, d; fc one day · tn wb-b the disparity of q!>IDIDt emotion of e><I 8 8 nations and creeds d men .......i.: joy bY i•~ · others. The inequalities and universal impulse fro!n its abundance to t-ith the poorer still. r bi:otherhood of men fully realized, at least People 1913. f \ e little daughter of Mr. Benjamin Chandler. .,,. ");" ! , ... , f ,~ . .- • r tu