
Saturday. April 25, 1936 I!car Clyile's I!adio Ta I ks on K\YJJ !'very )Ion., Wtc'd,, £,'ri., u:30 to 6:45 P. ~I. (Also Thurs., )lay 14 Er,EOT RALPH C. CLYDE MAYOR OF PORTLAND Onh· candidate .for :\layor with the Townsend ,;Jo~an appearing after his name on ballot. Favorable to De\·elopment of Public Power thru BonneYille. Oppoi;ed to croachment Districts. Commercial En– upon Residential VOTE 151 X on Ballot Ross Seeks Seat in Legislature ".illiam H. Ross, who Is a can• dldate for the Legislature, is the type of man who is entitled to the support of the rank and file of our citizenry. He Is a realtor, and has lived iu Portland for thirty years, ha\·ing been a city salesman in 1906. He is a business man who has always been able to see the other fellow's \·iewpoint, believes that all people are entitled to an opportunity to win the good things of life, and if elected will serve his constituents in accordance with the principle of the Golden Rule. Ile is a keen 1:1tudent of econom· le and political conditions, and ft-els that the tax burden has too long fallen upon the small proper– ty owner, who in America, is calle!l on to pay too large a proportion of our cost of government. If elected, he will endeavor to THE ADVOCATE Dewey Rand for MAYOR Is a Man who will keep his Faith with the ·People His Promises Will be Fulfi~led VOTE X 152-RAND I qEORGE FRIEDE SEEKS I 811TH IN LOWER HOUSE Ooorge \Y. F1·t-rlt-, native born Oregonian; Dt-mocrat, i:rartu:ite of Da1·tmouth colle-ge anti th<' Univer· sity J>f Chicago law school secl,,– the democ1·ntlc nomination for 1·ep– resentative- to the !-tate legislature. .. Fril'!le ha;; s,·n·eu as chair– man of the port ancl public utili– tle>< section of the City Club; a direutor of th!' Junior Chamber or Com111en·e. Hill ac>tiviti!'S in lhP <Paid Adv.) reduC'e this tax burden by e\·ery \!:==~:=;;;:=:::=======::::::::;./ fair means within his ability. ~ (Paid Ad\·., Dewey Rand for latter organization WC're spe cially clirecte,\ to the establlshm••nt o f the puhlh· health and sanitation tle- 1mrlm(•nts. <loYPrnor :\Tartin ap– roi d l\lr. F1·kd,• 11, m-0mhe r of tht- ~ter~m t•ommis.~ir,n authodz,•<l Mayor Committee) 1 by t l 93ll le~il4..l1ttun• to find t:,t11-1 VoteX 59 He worked his way through 1>lo~ent for "tate JJrl>'onei·i!: ii; school by his own efforts, having ~phone bill of $85,000. seeretnry of tlw :\Tult1wmah C1Ju11- attended the Santiam Ac·ademy at Erwin declares that If he il:I elec-- ty Bar A~sociatlun an!I first de,• Lebanon, Oreg-on, and also the Uni - ted to Cong1·ess, he will serve the prt>~Jlcnt ot tho Young Demoera tic: versity of Or(!€on. people of his district as a business Leail\i!' of :'.lfultnomah County. fil o. He has educated two children man whose interests are akin to l gun: C0-011erate with Itoosen•lt for in the Portland schools, and is theirs, and whose needs he under- Ore ,\i.;ainst the proud of our educational inl-!titu- l'ltands. est supporters. tions, and Is one of their >-launch· Ile is a native of Georgia, a. life– long Democrat, and is thoroui;hJ~· He was president of the Port· in sympathy with the progr:i.m an,l land Realty Board, has won dis- aims of President Ro()sevl•lt. tinction in national contests in ora- tory, is a member of "\Ve,:tmin>'tcr Church, and will confer honor on thP offic-e, if electPd. ERWIN SEEKS CONGRESSIONAL SEAT u. BURT MAKES CA~PAIGN FOR OFFICE OF STATE TREASURER VOTE 40 X Radio's Music Crusader WARREN ERWIN A BUSINESS MAN Democratic Candidate for Page Three JUDGE DONALD E. LONG SEEKS CIRCUT BENCH J u clgo Donahl E . L o ng, 42, r,,:ar– etl in Ililbbnro; two years of la w a t <,eorgetown t ·nlver,sit}·, "\'Va sh– ington , D. C. Artt-r thn•,• Y<'lll'S wilh the U. S. De11artmen t of Justice h e f ul"th ered hi,i lcgril train ing a nd 1·\'lurncd tn hi>< h onw state in 1 9 ~4. l lail a sU<'t'l'Ssful 1iral'llce for tpn ~-..a rs an,! until a p pointed to t h ,• 111uniei11al hl·r,ch . .:'llttrvh, 19:14. .Jud ge Long is m:irrit·,l an,t the fath er of thrN• chilc.lri:·n. Du rh1g his two YC'ars on t h'e rnunicipal be1u•h he hns galn,,,1 lhl' confi<.le ncc a n t•st!'Cnt of the public. Among tht' llt'Wt·r innn\'atlons ,luring- his ,lcl· mjnstration th~re is the T raffic 8 c h ool, inc-r!'llSing pu hJiC l'!>Spect for rules of the r oad and for life. fl und1·,•,Js of matt,•rs sanely adjud– ic-at<'<l hy him h nve enlisted thous– an ,1,- nf a1qn·Pc-intin_g nil1nireri<, due to his fpa dt•q;;nl'ss, C'oUrtesy an<l kinclnt·ss. I IH L n nwmber or a numb1·1· of fraternal organiz;ations lnclu,lin!-( the American Legion and ,·,·t!'n111~ of Forpign "\Vars. The> ):!'ws-Teleg-ram says ot .J u,lgP L ong-: "Young- _,:iris an<l hoy,; wh,i are fir~t offen,lers find him~a helper., X umerou~ youthss h,l\'(• C'Ome· b,tC'k lat,•1· to invite hiss eounsel as t u their futut·e. HP is inter!>stl•d in the'rn and g-oes out of hi» way t o t)(' or aid .. ·" "Judg" Lon);'s rt-cnr<l is 'evlcl – enec>' that ~hould he suhmittecl to the hlgh,•1· ,·ou1·ts 11( thC' C'OUnty.'' Ore;:-on Dally .Journal:-"Jlis r('– ro rcl-is triumphant -a 11Iedg-e and a,ssuranc·(• to thP l"ily and <'itizen- 1·y,t· CONCRESS Ort:~g-on ian: - "Ju<l~P Loni;- nutr he connte,1 unto exPrcise the .firm – ''07 \ h1<'1·wa~· Uhl~·, .\'l'\\ a l<'r 1;;20 1wss that has heen cha1·acte1·istic of his morP important oeC'fslon.~." < l'ai<l Aclv. I ~ ( ' "\Varren Erwin, democrat, C'Wll Judge Mears Is Aspirant· For Own Job l r. S. Burl, democrat, was horn forty years ago in Iowa City, Iowa, but h a s resided iu Oregon C\"l'l' sinc-e he was 18 months old. Hh< home is in Corvall!s where h e 1111- joys the r!'spe,ct and hlg-hest C'on- CLARENCE E. YEAGER OUT FOR STATE LEGISLATURE "' .... RE-ELECT known in buslnef<s eircles is out to HAaaY .1; ~CORBEn get the nomination on the Demo· .Judge Mears, one of Oregon's fidenee of the community . )Ir. craUc ticket for Representative' in most popular jurists, who has Imel Burt rec-eived his educallon In Ore– Congress from the Thfrcl District. 1 i yeurs' judiciul expt-rienN_' in his gon schools; ha.5 served with thP It Is his ·belief that abu sincss man 35 years as a lawyet·, has been State System of lligh,•r Edu<"a tio11 with q,.,;~ ~ ns. J~.••".,J!i!,l'<•-a. mus.t.-..octil.'.o. a,nd c.o.i.i&iPt,e,.n.t. w-0rk- sincl\.J.!119 n.t which tl})le h r,•. had, should be sent to Congres.~. er In the advancem!'nt of the .:'llult- turned fro mthe ·worl<l \Vai·; h e i, During t.he last regular and special nomah County Dh,tJ"kt Court dock- a member or lhC' Elki<, the (:rans:<', Or<•gnn f111• tw.-nt~·-rour )<·ars, cpm• Republican Candidate sessions of the State Legislatm·e, et, department ;,.:.,, \.. the Executive CommitteP of .th1• in;:: h lr£' from l',•1111~,·lvuni:1. \\'as Erwin intr0<lUC't>d a hill which Democratic State Central Commit - a <·li\"I' in tlw husin,·ss worltl ;t:< ll for sought to 1·Pduce governmental ex- Lawyers can always finrl him, tee and president of the Young th£·.tt r 11 own,•r ,111t1 m.rn ,1~<·1·. a,·- pense by permitting the ,-1.ate to when they want orde1·s and re- Democratic Clubs or Oregon. t in • in frnt!•i·no.l, y ~1.C,,\ , an,l STATE SENATOR construet a power and heating leases signt>d, an<l h!> i~ uniformly ,·nclu(i"".· e hur<'h ,·lrelcs. 11,• se1ys th,tl If hl' courteous and kind to citizens who ;\fr, Burt's platform , ., plant in ~alem to serve its own of- some very sound planks, amon"" is rlt•c·tt>d ho• will us!• t he rul" ot fices and institutions-, it provided seek his judicial servccs. fl<'ele<:tion " f 11 \ them being: Sound and eeo nomica l c on11n11n s1•nHe. I ,• f- t\"!ll"S curia - (Paid Adv.) "" administration of the st<'te aff,·11·1·•. mt'nt m . ,o,_tn s an, ,ure:,us an of publ!c service, o.n(I it is assured " ~ for the construct1·on or tnJn1Jho11e Is the proper rewa1·d for this kind I . 1 1 1 t lines for state use, in an <'!1,dean1r as treasurer; protect the Nlu!';t. e xnc·nst·s IIH'Hl< nt tll1·r,•tn: 1·pgula1· to cut down the ~Ute'~ ann ual tel- for Juclge ~Iears. His whole car- • tional system from unrca~.onit'·le and studiou:s cl·s,·har~,. or th<'h· ,lu- ~rices: 25c - 35c ~ 50c i Cladys E. Shafer Tap Dancing Teacher 4956 N. E. 9th Ave. Cor. Alberta . For Prompt eer is encom·ageml'nt tn oth11r pub- ~ u lie servants to perform their clu- retren,'.hments; adequate olcl a <t,' tit•s by ,iu,lgPs; that 0111 a;;P pen ,;{ peni;lons. On 'hi·~ ,,ues. t·ioi, '. ;, .. 1 sions sh ould h<' ll'ft u p to Con• ties fa1~nfully and fearlessly. • ., ·'"' LOCAL and SOCIAL News . ' .:'lllxs Ali<:<' Timm~· of Klarruith Burt makes the following- timely gn•,:s hu t prumis.-,~ if Plt'd< ,I t,, statement: "I do n o t favor the pre- su p p ort ,, ny oh! Ugl' l<•;;isl'lti,)n that sent system in Oreg on, th:t". l'P• w ill talH• tlw nl,l p,•1>ph• l>Ut u! quires virtually the signing of !l comp PlitiY<' Jul>or r,1nks ,11111 dn• pauper's oath." Opposed t o a ny in- tlH'm c· nmfortalilr provi,.,ion in th"ir Fall~.: writt-s to• friend!; in, Portland crease in property taxes. olcl ;o g p, YNtgt>r stall's that IH' is no l no \\', ancl nf•VPI' has hPt>O, a(~ fil iatecl \)ith :111~· Town",•nd C!uh antl never has att,:mlt·d a Town- 8Pncl 1nee'ting-. 011 th.., ·p ~tnn,l, ,\Ir. Y P:tg"l'l" :1sl,H th,• ~tl ()J>Prt of thP n1t!'r !'I a t !ht> ,\la, · l'dmnr~ for n o minat ion nn tlw l ~epuhli<'an from hn tl.'mporary Chica,go ·home that she· is istudying harcl in the departmt•nl of Social 8cience at the University and taking in some of the · better things "this great city has to offer." J ,.,_ flis slogan: "Build On·gon w ith H9osevelt. Harmony, efficil.'ncy 011 B rd of oCntroJ . G rnngc1·, \°<'ter– an" VOTE 120 X ELECT CLARENCE E. YEACER to STATE LEGISLATURE VOTE X 112 Notary Pu&lic Ser-vice l\1:r. Billy Law, Unh·ersit~· of Ore– gon Frosh passed th!> J ; week-end in his home town, Portland, wh<>re he was th!.' house-guc>-t of l\'an Cannady. Bllly is majoring In the Social sciences. Don n lowrt Ol°ri("t~ lOO:? Stl'n•n,- Hid~. Plw1w: BEiwou !ltilO ,/ R l'S. O J"fk {'-– ao21 x . 1<;. 1;;0, .\,c. Pho 111• : O ,\rfit'ld 1110 1 call BEATRICE CANNADY-FRANKLIN GArfield 7523 USE AND SELL NU-NILE eauty Products 'l lave lon~ soft g-lo~,;v hefr full of f<t;~ngth; Yit;lllty anci heauty. ne free of chndruff, itC'hlng sc.-alp an,l stuhhorn ha.Ir hy u sing- ~ l' -=- l LE flEAUTY PRODFCTS. Be your own Boss anti makt' Big .\loney in your spare timl' by selling Nr-N I LE BEAUTY PBEPARATI ONS. Our SPECIAL OFl•'EH tn Age-nts: 1 Brill<>'.! Comb ( fine wood handle) 2 Douhle Strength ll..\.lH GHOWER. Pre1<.~in.~ Oil Olos,ine. BntUe Frent'h Perfunw. Cnmplc•te dirPction,.. on "HOW TO SEi .r;· and "IIO"\V TO D f!.E8R l! ..\.In'· for only S!!.00 eash, 1lelivp1·,·,1 to your doc,r. No C. 0 . D. S PRODUCTS CO. Atluntlc St~t ·~y ('lt;r, x. J. D<'11t . 68 At·thur LeBon, popular railroad man was sel.'n shaking hands with his nl(l friends and relatives Portland a f<'W day,; ago. Ladies of the• St. Phillips Guild met in business and social se,is!on I Wednesduy 1evenlng at the resi– ,lence of :'Irr,... I nez D.uke on Yan– cuuvet· :.t\·e-nue. RuccPssful reports were' n•<'Pived abou t nie Coronation 1 Ball given Easter 1\Ionday night at Italian I~ederatlon hall by Guild. I :\Jr. 'llntl Mrs. Otto Rutherford, nt'e Ver<lell Burdine, who reC'ently married In Oakland, are receiving the congratulation,; of admirin.i;– :Portland fril•nds. They are doml– l'iJPd in the Shaver street residence r,f the Jlutl1erfords. W. E. HOSSNER SHERIFF .\ tlelightfu) card J>nrty was held I Multnomah County 1-'ri<l:ly aftE'rnoon at tht• Pickett More home nn \ \"!!Iiams a\·enue and San Hnfnel H(rt•Pl hy th,• FetlC'rnted Drastic \Vomens' Club" to lncrpase their Protection ~<;holar:<hlp fund. I Against Criminals 1:he 'l'u~co C'ar<I clul, met \\'eel· nesday night with llr. 1,lnytl Flow- j REPUBLICAN ~treet. The usual good me wai; Primaries--May 15th er:a host at his home In Htnnton I __________________,. enjoy eel by 1!11 memhers. ======'='='·l=l=d=A=c=J\=··=>===== Dr. Sam A. Boiinoff DENTISTRY Portland Oregon MILLER &. TRACY Perfect Funeral Service ,1us. HE.\THl<'E REI•;)) La,lr ,\11t•1uln11t a t .\lillt•r & 'l'rtH"<-'Y .\Jortuary .\ laf J,e ,•ailed h }· rnlllng the Fut\PrHi P .-rlor, or h er hom HJ·: llw ood o4,r. lllrs. H cerl w !Tl h ! pl t-ast-<l to ,; rVP f ou, r elieV· in.g ~·ou of much a n Xit>ty and \VOITY In you :• h ou1· of h· r ea,e– nwnt. .:'11HS. 1:E F:D h a~ 1,r ,,,•n «uch a lieip, not o n ly to h e 1· r mploy• eri;, l•ut to t '1~ <.:olon •d l 'a trcns In ,~e 11c-ral, that <l uring t h !> past four Y•J:·s ;\!II,Ll~ lt & TRACt~Y huve h .,n cllcd !If. r,o· < ' nt of the Ccolo recl F'uner :p;,l. n. \\'. Ji'rh•<lc 714 S. W. 20th Place \ \Vas:h ,ng t.>11. h t wc en 2"0lh a r cl Zts• / .. , .. '\,- .. \.